You are free, and you have always been free.

Jesus through John

Humanity’s awakening is precisely on schedule because it is God’s schedule and what She wills happens precisely as divinely intended. The present chaos and confusion across the world is a massive clearance operation as all that is not in total alignment with Love dissolves back into the meaningless and unreal state of nonexistence from which it seems to have been brought forth. That state has never existed. It was but a mental construct, a chimera or fantasy in which you sought to experience the unreal – independence and separation from Mother/Father/God – because you had a momentary idea that such a state or condition would give you even more freedom than the vast infinitude of freedom into which you were birthed at the moment of your creation. Unreality has never existed and never could exist because there is only LOVE, which is total freedom, total acceptance, and total awareness in…

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To be alive is to be Love.

Johnsmallman's Blog

Here in the non physical realms, where we know ourselves as Love, as Reality, we are watching with delight as humanity’s collective awakening process continues to reveal to you that even in your illusory unawareness you do have a deep sense or knowing that you too are Love, and only Love, and this deep inexpressible knowing is guiding you in every moment. Even though you appear to be living in a painfully uncaring and unloving world, where harshly judgmental comparison and competition seem to be the driving motivation within so many people, you are awakening. And you are beginning to be aware that the only wise and meaningful way forwards for humanity is through loving acceptance of one another, and a willingness to listen to each other so that you may begin to truly understand and honor the wonder that each of you, each human is demonstrating and expressing just…

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Trust in the wonder, power, and fruitfulness of God’s Love for you.

Jesus through John

A few months ago we spoke about humanity’s awakening process, emphasizing that the moment of your collective awakening was very close. Now many are wondering will it ever actually materialize, or is it just another aspect of the dream or game that life in form provides and, like that, is it in truth unreal?


Your awakening is divinely assured, and it is very close now, even though the experience of time is itself unreal. Quite a paradox for you to deal with and accept. Please continue to set and reset your intent daily, when you take your essential quiet time alone and at peace in your holy inner sanctuaries, to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. And of course you are never alone because you are eternally at One with Mother/Father/God, in a divine and uninterruptible Union…

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You all have a divine purpose on earth, Right Now!

Johnsmallman's Blog

As everyone on Planet Earth is well aware enormous changes in the way you interact with each other and with the planet herself are urgently needed, and even as we speak these changes are being put into effect. Yes, the various media outlets constantly attempt to focus your attention on the crises and disasters, the pain and suffering, and the endemic deceit and corruption world-wide, and they are very successful in this. However, their success is also their failure because they are successfully and effectively drawing peoples’ attention to the intense need for change in numerous areas, and as a consequence every day more and more people are choosing to offer love to one another instead of continuing to live in fear. Love is your nature, as you well know or you would not be reading or listening to this, and to live lovingly transforms those who make that choice…

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You are ALL Love and only Love.

Jesus through John

There is much anger i.e fear, flowing freely through the human collective at present, mostly to be recognized, forgiven, and released, and you are all helping to release it with thanks when you practice just being. As I and others keep reminding you, JUST BEING is an extremely effective and powerful way to allow Love to flow through you to assist mightily in the awakening process. You did choose this path before incarnating, and you are following it extremely well. Hang in there, you are doing very important work, and you are mightily supported by us here in the non physical realms. ALL IS WELL for you and for humanity. Continue to trust in God’s Love for you all. These extremely unsettling times will pass! And you will awaken.

Creating Heaven on Earth is humanity’s increasingly powerful intent as more and more examples of the world-wide chaos, conflict, confusion, corruption…

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